Joe Pulizzi said it best when he wrote, Photo Background Removing“A book is perhaps the ultimate piece of content marketing that can position you or your business as a leading expert in your industry. » Writing and publishing a book can add substantial value to your business. By creating and publishing a book, your business can engage your audience on another level, generate opportunities in the form of new business and new press, and solidify itself as an industry leader. However, simply publishing a book does not guarantee that you will get any of these results. It doesn't even guarantee that your book will be read by the audience you want to read. For your business to achieve these kinds of results Photo Background Removing the kind of results that should sound familiar to any other content marketer your book needs to be driven by strategy. Ideally, this strategy is the same one you use to direct your other content initiatives. Ideally,
. HAND-CHOSEN RELATED CONTENT: Photo Background Removing How to match key metrics with your content goals Natural and valuable extension of content marketing strategy Writing a book seemed like a natural extension of our job, and I suspect that's true for other companies that use content marketing to engage their audience and are ready toPhoto Background Removing take that job to the next level. (Think about it: the brand that “wrote the book on” a topic is a more reliable expert than the one that published an article on the topic — even a solid one.)
The brand that “wrote the book on” a topic is a Photo Background Removing more trusted expert, says @johnhall. Click to tweet I use the “next tier” language for a reason: you're building on your existing content marketing program that has helped you gain trust, deliver value, and build your brand with your audience. You just move on to the next step. Here's a look at what those previous steps have done to simplify your book process: Photo Background Removing Develop a Solid Foundation: A robust, results-driven content marketing strategy is the foundation of a book. You've established a set of goals and created a body of published work that draws on your expertise that your audience finds valuable. A book is your company's opportunity to deepen and strengthen that connection. HAND-RELATED CONTENT: A blueprint to jump-start your content marketing strategy Created a network of trust and influence in your space: unless you post content on a private blog that is more like your steps to using influencers to elevate your brand