To translate a Wikipedia page to another language, you can follow these steps:
Visit the Wikipedia page you want to translate and look for the "Languages" section in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page.
Click on the language you want to translate the page into. This will take you to the corresponding page in that language.
If the page does not exist in that language, you will see a message that says "This page does not yet exist in [language]. You can start translating it by clicking the link below." Click the link to start translating the page.
Once you are on the new page, you can start translating the content. You can either use the built-in translation tool or translate the content manually.
If you are using the built-in translation tool, select the language you are translating from and the language you are translating to. Then click "Translate" to see a machine translation of the page. You can edit the translation to make it more accurate and natural.
If you are translating manually, copy the text you want to translate and paste it into a translation tool like Google Translate. Translate the text into the target language and then paste it back into the Wikipedia editor.
Keep in mind that Wikipedia has specific guidelines and policies for translated content, so make sure you follow these guidelines to ensure that your translation is accepted and published.
Once you have finished translating the page, click "Save page" to publish your translation. The page will now be available in the target language for other users to read and edit.
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